Sunday, May 15, 2011

Earth Day Essay Winners

Taken from 3rd-5th Language Arts "Class News" in the May 2011 Clipboard issue...
"Meanwhile, the fifth graders have written a story modeling
a piece based on the classic tale St. George and the Dragon.
They’ve also enjoyed success writing their own adventure tale
using only a prompt and graphic organizer as a guideline. In
addition, these students and the fourth graders wrote essays
about buying and growing food locally. They entered these in the
Earth Day contest, and we had two winners at this grade level:
Grace C for “So the World Can Stay Green” and Cameron K for
“A Healthy and Helpful Way to Live.” These students won free
admissions to the zoo, a photo opportunity with the mayor, and
a cash prize. Cam had the additional honor of being interviewed
on Regina Brett’s radio program." (See press release)