Monday, April 9, 2012

Service Update

Though Harvest for Hunger final totals are still being tallied,
the third and fourth graders finished counting the classroom
food and money donations as well as Penny War jars. The
winning classes were the 8th Grade (classroom drive) and
the 1st Grade (Penny War). Congratulations to these two
classes and thank you to all who participated. The third
and fourth grade students recently walked 300 food
items next door to the Bountiful Basement! The food pantry
was extremely grateful for the contribution.

The eighth graders made over $300 at their Bake Sale
during the morning of the last Reading Day. The proceeds
will go toward their class gift. They plan to add framed
pictures of famous leaders alongside the Lincoln picture in
the “leadership stairwell” between the 1st and 2nd floors.