Friday, February 4, 2011

National Chemistry Week Contests

National Chemistry Week ContestsBack in October, 1-4 grade students designed posters for the 2010 National Chemistry Week Poster Contest. The theme was “Behind the Scenes with Chemistry”; posters were to highlight how chemistry is used in movies, such as make-up, sugar glass, fog machines and more. Birchwood School had two regional winners (students from six counties entered the regional contest): Shruthi R won the K-2 division and Sahej B won the 3-5 division. Sahej B also won second place in the National Contest for grades 3-5. Fantastic job!

The third and fourth graders also entered the National Chemistry Week Experiment Contest. Students observed the reactions when liquids (ginger ale, lemon juice) and crushed and liquefied candies (Nerds, Lemon Heads, Sour Patch Kids) were added to a cup with baking soda and water. They then answered questions about the results. Bianca H was chosen as a regional winner. Congratulations!