Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Science Awards 2007-2008

The following are 2007-2008 science awards:

Chemistry Week

The Cleveland Section of the American Chemical Society and NASA Glenn Research Center sponsor chemistry contests for grade-school students in grades K-5, 6-8, and 9-12, as a part of their National Chemistry Week (NCW) celebration. The contests are designed to provide students with a real world examples of chemistry. All of the contests require that students perform a task, record observations, and organize his or her thoughts to answer age-appropriate questions.

Students in grades K through 4th made a Red Cabbage Indicator and used it to test whether various solutions (substances dissolved in water) are acidic, basic, or neutral.
Students in grades 5 through 8 made a Red Cabbage Indicator and used it to create a pH scale with various solutions and used their pH scale to determine the pH of other solutions, as well as how to make different pH solutions from their test solutions.

There were more than 952 entries from numerous schools. Birchwood School student William L, won the K – 4 level of the competition; Trevor L won the 5th – 8th grade level of the competition.

Young Astronaut Day

NASA Glenn held its 15th Annual Young Astronaut Day on November 3rd. The all-day program provides opportunities for teams of grades 3-12 students to focus their energies on many different tasks related to engineering problem solving. More than 325 students from 24 different schools participated.

The 7th –12th grade students (Commander Teams) competed in Space Spud or Spudnaut, where competing student teams use the same materials to design different protective suits for the Space Spud from an onslaught of small meteorites from an impactor Lego Microgravity Challenge THEY WON 3rd PLACE, Space Shuttle Tile Design, where each team experiences how difficult it is to perform simple tasks when working in space and Planetary Rover Competition, in which students build a robot that can travel across a simulated planetary surface. Birchwood School’s Commander Team: Jacob B, Serena C, Oliver D, Thomas W, Sahar A, Ani D, Jacques D, Stuart F, Sarah L, and Lina W.

The 5th and 6th grade students (Pilot team): Nicholas J, Trevor L, Sanjana R, Susmita R, Bradley S, Hannah Y, Shawki A, Nathan C, Grant F, Jocelyn L, LuLu S, and Ben WConnect the Dots, in which the tallest tower able to hold the most weight was made of “Dots” (candy) and toothpicks, (they won an “Honorable Mention”), Egg-cellent Landing, which is the safest egg-drop made within a budget competed in (they won a first place), In-Space Repair Challenge, in which teams of students performed tasks with workman’s gloves and tongs, and Space Spud or Spudnaut (they won a first place).

Earth Day Poster Contest

The annual poster contest is sponsored by the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District to honor Earth Day through artwork. It is opened to first through eighth grade student and grade level winners are featured on an Earth Day Calendar. This year's theme related to climate change/global warming and recycling.

There were over 1,000 students from almost 40 classrooms entered this year. The following
Birchwood School students were winners:
First Place –3rd Grade, Pheby L
First Place – 5th Grade, Alexander I
Runner-Up – 7th Grade, Serena C

Birchwood School also had some finalists, those in the top ten:
3rd Grade: Prathna K
4th Grade: Katelyn V
6th Grade: Jocelyn L, Clare P, Nina R
7th Grade: Jacob D
8th Grade: Shulamite C, Cait S, and Forde R

Zero Waste

A “Zero Waste” School contender will attempts to make the least amount of waste during lunch on their challenge day. This contest is sponsored by Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District. The winning school the “Zero Waste” title holder for the year and is awarded a recycled milk jug bench. There are anywhere from 6 – 15 schools that compete. Students submitted their results and will know very soon if they are winners three years in a row.

Earth Day Coalition

Earth Day Coalition is Cleveland ’s own nonprofit environmental education organization serving Ohio and the nation. They provide a broad range of community-based environmental education and leadership initiatives through our four award-winning and nationally recognized programs.
One of the contests that the Earth Day Coalition sponsors is a “Poster Contest.” Clare P’s poster was chosen from thousands of entries in 2006. During the 2007-08 school year her winning poster was, not only featured on the web page, but was on display at various libraries and city buildings. Her poster is shown.

The Northeast Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (NEOSEF) is open to grades 7 – 12 from Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage, and Summit Counties. The Fair has been held every year since 1954 and is affiliated with the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).

During the four day event, approximately 500 students from over 80 schools in the area set up their science fair displays, discuss their projects with judges and compete for more than $20,000 in prizes.

At the fair students compete in nine categories which are subdivided by grade levels. NEOSEF awards one 1st place, and multiple 2nd place, 3rd place and honorable mentions per subdivision. Students also compete for over 300 Special Awards totaling more than $15,000.

NEOSEF selects students in grades 9 – 12 to move on to the next levels of competition, ISEF where they compete with almost 1,500 students from all over the world for over $4,000,000 in scholarships and prizes.

Anirudh D won a third place for his project titled: Is Skeletal Muscle Mass Depletion Related to the Worsening Severity of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)? Anirudh was also accepted as a Discovery Young Scientist Applicant.

Science Fair

The 5th and 6th Grade Students are not “old enough” to compete in the NEOSEF science fair, but have an “in-house” science fair.
This year the 6th Science Fair Projects were:

Brian O: Cool Coal - 1st Place
Carlf C: Electrical Generators - 2nd Place
Nabil J: Wind Turbine - Governor’s Energy Award

Zaeem M and Miguel P: Thrown for a Curve - 1st Place (tie)
Hannah K: Egg-A-Pult - 1st Place (tie)
Zach I: 3-2-1 Blastoff

Tia L: Calorimeter - Special Award for Complexity of problem,
Mohammad M: A Peek into the Circulatory System - 1st Place ,
Clare P and Nina R: Zoom to the Tune - 2nd Place

Miranda M: Salt Crystals - Superior Award in Chemistry
Nardine T: Disappearing Liquid - 1st Place
Deepak K: Egg Power - 2nd Place

The 5th Grade Science projects were:

Nikola D: Paper Airplanes - 1st place
Alexander I: Paper Airplanes - Special Award

Hassan S: Heavy Heart Rates - 1st place
Marla and Hannah Y: What is the effect on your pulse when you listen to music?
Susmita R: How does running affect Heart Rate? - 2nd place (tie)
Brad S: Exercising hearts - 2nd place (tie)

Life Science
Sanjana R and Sarah D: How plants are affected by different colored light? - 1st place
Vikas N: Dominant Handedness Affects Motor Speed.

Alex P: Battery Battle - 1st place
Max L and Amir F: What is the most efficient substance for melting ice? - 2nd place
Sean F: Rust and What Removes It

Physical Science
Trevor L: Surface Tension Nicholas J: Which bridge is Stronger?